3D Imaging Information at CVOS Oral Surgery

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CVOS 3D Imaging Technology

Investing in equipment and technology that increases predictability in patient outcome, accuracy of treatment, and overall patient experience is a priority at CVOS Oral Surgery.

This commitment is why both our Burlington and Mississauga locations have been equipped with 3D CBCT (cone beam CT) machines and X-Nav Technologies’ X-Guide Dynamic 3D Navigation system.


Using this 3D imaging equipment, our dedicated surgeons at CVOS Oral Surgery are able to take digital scans that are more accurate than traditional 2D X-rays. Along with precision, a 3D image allows patients to understand their diagnosis and treatment options better.

3D Imaging increases patient comfort and confidence in the recommended surgical procedures.

CVOS Oral Surgery is committed to maximizing patient safety and the overall patient experience. Our CBCT machines allow us to ensure the treatments we recommend and the surgeries we perform are based on the best information possible.

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Our Locations

Burlington North

CVOS Oral Surgery is located on the corner of Walkers Line and Dundas Street East in North Burlington at the Headon Forest Shopping Centre.

  • #200-3600 Dundas Street East
  • Burlington, ON

Burlington South

CVOS is located just off Hwy 403 (Queen Elizabeth Parkway), on Harvester Road with ample parking available.

  • #403-3155 Harvester Road
  • Burlington, ON


Our office is location on Commercial Street, right across from Brian Best Park, with ample parking available.

  • #203-311 Commercial Street
  • Milton, ON


Conveniently located near Highway 403 off of the Erin Mills Parkway, our office is in the same complex as the Credit Valley Hospital.

  • #302-2300 Eglinton Ave. West
  • Mississauga, ON


Conveniently located off Highway 403 (Queen Elizabeth Way) and Trafalgar Road, our building has plenty of convenient parking for you.

  • #311-1235 Trafalgar Road
  • Oakville, ON
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