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How Long Is Wisdom Teeth Recovery?

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Having your wisdom teeth pop out is a stepping stone in maturing in life and reaching adulthood. After all, this is why they’re called wisdom teeth! They typically appear after you’re 17 years old. Problem is, it can be a troublesome experience that requires a recovery period.

That’s why our team at CVOS Oral Surgery is ready to help you the whole way through. We offer a safe environment equipped with state-of-the-art technology and experienced staff. And we’re always ready to accommodate wisdom teeth removal. Speak with your dentist to stop wisdom teeth from causing you more pain.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are what’s called molar teeth, the tougher and wider teeth that sit in the back of our mouths and are best for grinding food. Without counting wisdom teeth, the human mouth holds 28 teeth. Of those 28, 8 are molars, with 2 in each corner of our mouth. 

Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are a special set of molars that are the last teeth to come through. They grow at the back of your gums, and most people have four of them. Wisdom teeth generally grow through the gums around ages 17-21, a lot of the time displacing other teeth. 

Why Should I Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

Since our mouths can typically comfortably hold 28 teeth, when 4 more start to come through, it’s a problem. There’s often simply not enough space in your jaw to accommodate these teeth. The wisdom teeth can then grow sideways, only erupt partially, or become trapped under your jaw and bone.

These partially erupted wisdom teeth can cause infections as bacteria proliferate around the exposed teeth as they are growing out. This can cause pain, swelling, and discomfort. Problematic teeth may also push other teeth, misaligning them. In more serious cases, poorly positioned wisdom teeth can cause tumours or cysts, which can eventually erode your jawbone.

Although annoying and possibly dangerous as wisdom teeth can be, getting them removed is a common and wise procedure.

How We Remove Them

The first step towards getting your wisdom teeth removed is an oral examination by one of our surgeons. In this examination, they’ll examine your mouth and take x-rays to determine how your wisdom teeth are growing and what position they’re currently in. Depending on how they sit and will erupt, we’ll set a course of action.

After the examination, we’ll discuss your options and the timeline for moving forward. Wisdom teeth removal is typically done with the help of general anesthesia or IV sedation to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible throughout the surgery.

Once your wisdom teeth have been removed and the incisions have been sutured, you’ll remain under the supervision of our staff. Before you leave we can prescribe you medication to offset the pain and swelling, and possibly antibiotics. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to allow us to keep up with your recovery, taking place usually a week after your surgery. 

How Long Until I Recover?

We recommend you take a day or two off work or school to let the swelling and pain diminish. In these first days following surgery, avoid doing things that could displace the blood clots that form in your wisdom teeth sockets. Specifically rinsing, consuming hot drinks, drinking alcohol, using a straw, and spitting.

Recovery from wisdom teeth removal surgery can take up to two weeks. During this time we recommend you:

  • Avoid intense physical activity and exercise
  • Eat soft food for a few days
  • Try chewing with teeth that are closer to the front of your mouth
  • Follow our medication guidelines, especially if one of our surgeons prescribe you antibiotics

The swelling should disappear after a few days, and your mouth will return to normal. After a week you’ll have a check-up with one of our oral surgeons, where they’ll assess how your mouth is healing and if further steps are necessary. Following their guidelines will help your oral health get back to a hundred percent in a couple of weeks.

Signs of a Troubled Recovery

Some pain and swelling are normal after a procedure such as wisdom teeth removal, but some symptoms may indicate complications. So if you’re feeling these symptoms after getting your wisdom teeth removed, contact us right away:

  • Constant bleeding
  • Severe pain or pain lasting more than a week
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing 
  • Fever

These symptoms may require immediate attention, as they could be a sign of an infection or other irregularities. Don’t hesitate to give us a call if you are experiencing complications.

Wise Up to Your Wisdom Teeth

Growing your wisdom teeth is a natural part of maturing, and getting them removed might be your first surgical experience. It’s a perfectly normal and safe procedure, and it’s in your best interest to get them removed before damage occurs. Recovery from wisdom teeth removal is usually complete within several days. 

Whether you would like an oral exam to assess your wisdom teeth growth or a same-day removal, our doctors at CVOS are experts in safe wisdom teeth extraction. Contact our office if your wisdom teeth are giving you pain or starting to poke through — it’s the wise thing to do.

Written by CVOS Oral surgery

Credit Valley Oral Surgery’s first location opened its doors in Mississauga in 1979. Quickly, CVOS Oral Surgery grew a reputation for itself as the place to go for quality oral and maxillofacial surgeries. In 1981, only 2 short years later, CVOS Oral Surgery opened its second clinic in Milton.

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Burlington North

CVOS Oral Surgery is located on the corner of Walkers Line and Dundas Street East in North Burlington at the Headon Forest Shopping Centre.

  • #200-3600 Dundas Street East
  • Burlington, ON

Burlington South

CVOS is located just off Hwy 403 (Queen Elizabeth Parkway), on Harvester Road with ample parking available.

  • #403-3155 Harvester Road
  • Burlington, ON


Our office is location on Commercial Street, right across from Brian Best Park, with ample parking available.

  • #203-311 Commercial Street
  • Milton, ON


Conveniently located near Highway 403 off of the Erin Mills Parkway, our office is in the same complex as the Credit Valley Hospital.

  • #302-2300 Eglinton Ave. West
  • Mississauga, ON


Conveniently located off Highway 403 (Queen Elizabeth Way) and Trafalgar Road, our building has plenty of convenient parking for you.

  • #311-1235 Trafalgar Road
  • Oakville, ON
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